How do I search for books on my topic?

I'm planning to use Research Central and I need to find books on a particular topic, how do I use Research Central to find books on a particular topic? 


Visit the library home page and enter keywords into the Research Central search box. These keywords should represent your topic that you are searching for and for best results should not be a phrase or longer string of words.

For instance if you were researching benefits of eating a vegan diet you would not want to type that in as a phrase, instead you would want to type in one or two keywords that represent the ideas best, for instance you might choose 'vegan and health' as your two words. 

Once you search, you will return results that are available. By default Research Central will search for items owned by 'WWU Libraries & Summit'.

You may limit specifically to items available at WWU libraries by swapping the dropdown from 'WWU Libraries & Summit' to 'WWU Only'. Availability information (i.e., 'available online' for electronic items or a call number and location information for physical items) will show up underneath the title and publisher information.

'Check availability' typically means an item is available in the Summit system and may be requested.


  • Last Updated Nov 16, 2023
  • Views 92
  • Answered By Christy Scott

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